Thursday, September 24, 2015

In Maine for Lobster

9/21/15 - 9/24/15  In Maine

We left Apple Island and Stowe VT,  on 9/20/15 for an overnight in Shelburne, NH.  We were happy for the easy drive and an extra night's sleep.  Left in the morning, looking for an RV repair shop that can help us with tank problems, but nobody was working.  It is 'after-season' up here and most of the local people are tired from working long hours during the summer and are beginning to shut down for winter.  I guess they mostly hibernate in the winter; at least one woman told me that.

Onward to Eastern Maine and Acadia National Park on Monday, 9/21.  It seemed like a long drive, even though it wasn't that many miles (about 230), but no major highways go east/west.  There is only one major highway in Maine, Interstate 95, and it goes north/south.  We had to drive through many little towns to get to I-95, then north to Bangor, ME, then south to Bar Harbor. Even though it was out of our way, it was faster.  We arrived in Bar Harbor at 5:40 p.m., a little later than we normally settle in.  We were all hungry, but mom didn't want lobster (silly girl), so Tom and I went out looking for Maine lobster, and mom stayed back with the dogs and fixed her own dinner.  Here is what we found: 
our Dinner

This is how you pick our your dinner - from a big tank full of live lobsters.  These guys are considered 'medium' size.  They weigh them and charge you by the pound ($ and then they boil them in seawater outside in huge pots (the restaurant had 6 pots going).  After they are cooked, them bring them to your table.  Here they are:
Yum!!  They even showed me how to get the meat our of he tail without utensils, you just crush them in your hand - go figure!  Turns out our lobsters were about 1.5 lbs each and you end up with about 8 oz of edible meat (claws, knuckles, and tail), but oooohhh! the meat is so sweet, probably because it is so fresh.  We sat at picnic size tables and joined another couple from Ohio who were really nice.  They were into the clams and said they were the best they had ever had.

Tuesday, 9/22/25 - Tom and I headed out to drive through Acadia National Park.  This is the most northerly and most easternly point of our travels.  The loop road was 27 miles and we figured it would be easy.  However, we found that the entire park is mostly heavily treed and some layered rocks along the side of the road.  The Bay is dotted with islands everywhere.  We drove to the top of the highest point in the park called Cadillac Mountain for a complete view of the island that Acadia Park sits on (Mount Desert Island).  First of all, Cadillac Mountain is only 1530 ft high and it is the highest mountain along the entire Atlantic Coast.  No wonder easterners are in awe of real mountains like the Sierras, and especially of the Rockies.  Here is a picture from the top of the mountain over the bay surrounding Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor is at the bottom.
Bar Harbor from Cadillac Mountain
Islands off Acadia National Park

I really had seen enough trees , and the rocks weren't much, so we didn't do the complete loop, and instead headed down to the bottom to Bar Harbor for lunch (I felt more lobster was in order).  We found a little sidewalk cafe and had the lobster and crab club sandwich .  Here is a picture of my sandwich.
My Lunch
  No kidding, there was about 2 lbs' worth of lobster and crab meat on this sandwich.  It was, without a doubt, the BEST sandwich (and probably the most expensive sandwich, at $22).I have ever had.  It was worth it all.

9/23/15 - Off to do chores again.  Need some shopping done, hardware store for RV repairs, laundry, and nails.  Mom is going with us, so we may do a little touring.  Of course, I plan on lobster for dinner again.

9/24/15 - Happy Birthday Kathie!  I hate being away for everybody's birthdays, but you are with us in our hearts. Today is a travel day.  We are heading down the coast to Orchard Beach, ME.

1 comment:

  1. You're eating your way through this trip. Good job. Wish I could have some of that lobster.
