Friday, September 4, 2015

Pennsylvania to look up my Mom's roots

8/31/15-9/3/15  Off to Pennsylvania

Monday was a laundry day, as the Packard museum was closed on Mondays.  Talked to Karen while sitting outside on the roadway, and caught up on family and her plans to go up to see Evelyn, Nick, and Anna.  Also talked to Dad.  It was good to talk to them. 

On Tuesday, 9/1, we left for Pennsylvania.  Our campground was called Mountaintop Campground and it truly was.  A little difficult to find and uphill on a gravel road.  We had to call for directions, but finally made it.  I met one of the owners, one of two brothers who just recently bought the campground.  Not many amenities and no trees, but good power and internet so I am a happy camper.  Tom took mom to Lab Corp for her regular blood work, and I stayed back in the RV and caught up on email and some bills.

On 9/2/15, Tom and I drove into Pittsburgh to visit with a client (and friend), Bud Scott.  He just moved into a new house 2 weeks ago, but he was so happy that we came and was very proud to show us the house.  Also we got to meet his partner, Tom, who is a native of the area.  The house was built in 1902, but recently remodeled.  Whoever did the work--it was done very well.  They are very happy there.  A man arrived to measure for window treatments and when he left, Bud and Tom and I left for the South Hills area of Pittsburgh where my mother grew up. 
It was a bit of a struggle finding the address, but we finally had to park the car and walk the street to try and find the house.  It looked like is was tucked downhill in a hollow.  It was almost completely invisible from the road and covered by trees.  Here is the best picture I could get from the street. 

Bud walked over to a neighbor to the right who was outside working in his garage.  Then Bud and the neighbor walked over to me and the neighbor asked me what the family name was.  I first told him ‘Williams’, but when he didn’t recognize that, I said ‘Lorenz’, and he clearly recognized that name. He said, “Yes, I think that is the Lorenz house, and I think a Lorenz lives next door.” About that time, his wife (her name was Linda) arrived and she offered to go to the other neighbor’s house with us.  We walked to the neighbor to the left and a woman came to the door.  I told her I was trying to find out if her neighbor next door was part of the Lorenz family and she said, “Yes, and I am a Lorenz.”  It turned out that her name was Linda (Lorenz) Banks, and she was the daughter of Ross Lorenz – therefore, we were cousins.  In fact, her grandfather, Louis Lorenz, and my grandmother, Alberta Lorenz, were brother and sister, making us 2 nd cousins.  Linda Banks and her husband, Tom Banks, had lived in that house for 43 years.  Their house used to be the barn for the Lorenz house, but her husband remodeled it into their house.  She said that the land around the property used to be farm land.  She spoke lovingly of her grandparents.  She called Louis ‘Pappy’ and her grandmother ‘Chickie’.  She told me that her brother, Tom bought the old Lorenz house and he and her husband were working on it.  She also talked a lot about ‘Uncle Butch’, who is my cousin, Darryl Lorenz.  She told me to be sure to say “Hi” for her, when we see him in Myrtle Beach.

Linda then directed us to the old schoolhouse, which was a large  (4 story) red brick building about a ¼ mile from her house.  We followed her instructions and found the old schoolhouse and on the front of the building were large letters, “LORENZ” in blocks built into the front of the buildings.  It looks like it has been converted to apartments now.  Here is a picture.

Bud then took Tom and I on a tour of Pittsburgh – all of his favorite places, and some famous places.   I had no idea that Pittsburgh had become such a college town.  In fact, Pitt (University of Pittsburgh) and Carnegie Hall and Museum are right next door to each other.  We then went  back to his house, picked up Tom, and went out to dinner at the Hoffbrau House.  A great day all in all.

9/3/15 – Thursday.  We went to see “Falling Waters”, likely the most famous home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.  It is tucked way out of the way, in the forest, and built over a waterfall.  Here are pictures. 

The structure is tiered, just like the rock surrounding the Bear Creek, and is built almost into the surrounding nature.  All of the terraces are cantilevered out over the main structure.  It was built in 1935 and 1936, and is just amazing.  There is also a guest house built in 1939 above.

Another big day on our journey!  Tomorrow we are heading for Niagara Falls, New York to see what we can see.  Tom, mom, and I are all doing fine, as well as the dogs.  Hi to all. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! It sounds like your trip is going great. Miss you guys.
